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in the eye什么意思

2021-10-13 10:54:44文/李文源

在眼中,在眼里。常用短语搭配是look sb in the eye,look sb in the eye意思是(心地坦然地)直视(某人);正视(某人)。相关例句:She looked me straight in the eye.她直视着我。

in the eye什么意思

in the eye的例句

Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying?


The appointment of a woman was one in the eye for male domination.


He could not look her in the eye.



1.catch someone’s eye 引起注意;

2.keep an eye on 照看;照管;

3.make eyes at sb./give sb. the eye 眉目传情;抛媚眼;

4.to hit between the eyes 十分惊奇;

5.have eyes for 对…感兴趣;

6.set eyes on 看到;瞧见;

7.see eye to eye 完全一致,有相同的看法;


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