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take a look和have a look的区别

2022-02-22 14:59:19文/丁雪竹

have a look意思是一般用于建议别人。take a look 一般是表达自己的想法...比如买东西时人家问你 Can I help you?你就要回答 Just take a look(随便看看)。

take a look和have a look的区别

take a look和have a look的区别

首先take是正式,have多随意.所以take a look at 有检查之意,较为严肃,have a look at就是去看看,比较口语和生活化.take a look in 后可以接地点,比如Because I bought the ticket which I could take a look in the palace.但是at后面接具体的事情或者抽象的东西,比如Have a look at what happens.


1.表示“拿去”“带去”等,与 bring(拿来)方向相反。如:

Please take the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. 请把这个空杯拿走,给我倒杯茶来。


Please take him a cup of tea.=Please take a cup of tea to him. 请给他端杯茶去。


He took the box to the farm. 他把那个箱子带到了农场。



正:He decided to take a taxi to the railway station.

正:He decided to go to the railway station by taxi.
