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dare to do和dare do的区别

2022-01-25 14:32:22文/李傲

dare to do和dare do的词性和用法不同。dare do sth中dare为情态动词;dare to do sth中dare为实意动词。dare do sth中的dare为普通动词的各种形式常与不带to的不定式连用;dare to do sth中的dare通常与一般动词一样构成否定式和疑问式,后接带to的动词不定式,最常用于否定句中。

dare to do和dare do的区别

dare do sth是表示现在的状态;dare to do sth是表达一种未来的状态,想做还没做的意思。

Do you dare to go outside when there is a storm?

暴风雨时候,你敢出门吗?She doesn't dare to swim in that pool.


Dare you fight with the robber?


I dare not sit on the top of the ferry wheel.



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