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in the end of和at the end of的区别

2021-11-18 09:46:55文/李文源

in the end of多用于某件事情,即“最后,终于,到头来”。at the end of多用于时间(如星期、年月、学期、季节等)或地点。in the end of 指“在……的最后或结束部分”,包括的范围较广。at the end of 指“在……的结尾或末端位置上”,只表示一个点。

in the end of和at the end of的区别

in the end of和at the end of的区别例句

Others were planning to go at the end of the term.


I hope everything will turn out all right in the end.




The end of everything and all.在一切的一切结束后。

I should do something to end the speech.我应该做点事情来结束这次演讲。

If walking with you , every street like no end for me.如果和你一起散步,每条街道像没有终结。


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