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when it comes to后面加什么

2020-12-09 16:48:52文/丁雪竹

可加动名词doing,或名词,因为这个to是介词。例如When it comes to dancing,I'm all thumbs。谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通。

when it comes to后面加什么

when it comes to用法

when it comes to当涉及某事(或做某事)时

When it comes to something or when it comes to doing something means when it is a question of something or doing something.

Here "to" is a preposition.

(注意:这里 "to" 是介词)


1.When it comes to getting things done, he's useless.


2. Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys.

