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be strict about/in/with的区别

2021-05-12 11:34:41文/李傲

be strict about表达对某事很严格的意思,后面加事情;be strict in表达对做的某事很严格(强调是在做的)的意思;be strict with表达对某人很严厉、严格的意思,后面加人。

be strict about/in/with的区别


be strict with:with后加人,表达对某人要求严格的含义。

例句1:His father is strict with him.他父亲对他严格要求。

例句2:My parents are very strict with me.我的父母对我很严格。

例句3:Don't be so strict with yourself.不要对你自己那么严格。

例句4:My teacher is always strict with us.我的老师对我们总是很严格。
