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here be 句型的用法

2019-12-05 15:35:33文/叶丹

当主语是名词时用完全倒装,be的形式取决于后面的名词,如Here is the key。当主语是代词时用部分倒装,如Here you are。

here be 句型的用法

here be句型

Here be 句型中的be和后面的名词保持性数一致。

Here are some apples for you. 给你们一些苹果吃。

Here is a book on arts. 这儿有一本艺术类书。

here be中be动词



1.Here is a pen and some books for you.

2.Here are some books and a pen for you.

3.Some books and a pen are on the desk.

4.A pen and some books are on the desk.


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